Portland Sacred Harp All-Day Singing The Little Church, Portland, Oregon Saturday, May 2, 2015 The 9th annual Portland Sacred Harp All-Day Singing was called to order by Tom McTighe leading 448b. Cornelia Stanton offered the morning prayer. A business meeting was held to elect the following officers: Chairperson--Steve Helwig; Treasurer--Nell Whitman; Secretary--Betsy Jeronen. Leaders: Betsy Jeronen 499; Nell Whitman 48t; Anna Stoerch and Concetta Branson 82t; Lyle Lindsey 40; Dorothy Robinson 74b; Kathy Vlach 472; Steve Tarr 510; Kate Fine 278t; Cecil Godfrey 155; Evan Palmer 101t; Ana Tighe 121; Jake Hachey 148; Kevin Beirne 445; Ethan Hardy 375; Martha Sherwood 53; Greg Saue 198. RECESS The class was called back to order by Steve Helwig leading 46. Leaders: Karen Stingle 547; Jack Lofton 328; Marie Brandis 212; Caroline Helmeczi 153; Harlan Walker-Young 70b; Alberta Hardy 30b; Karen Willard 446 (for Rodney Willard); Delia Barrans 354b; Jenna Bond Tompkins 532; Gabriel Kyne 434; Becca Gibson 383; Kate Fortin 220; Chris Cotter 213t; Lucinda Saue 306; Lu Zeng 535; Leigh Cooper 83t; Hans Guttmann 480. RECESS The class was called back to order by Steve Helwig leading 32t. Leaders: Carolyn Gilkey 504; Sean Francis Conway 426t; Pat Coghlan 287; Clarissa Fetrow 394; Arcana Ferschke 81t; Roylan Messinger 85; Kate Coxon 542; John Wiens 416; Jeff Begley 55; Rogan Campbell 131t; Bob Schinske 373; Adam Berey 254; Destiny Woods 192; Laura McMurray 512; Jean Murphy 380; Linda Berkemeier 49t. The noon blessing was offered by Ethan Hardy. LUNCH The class was called back to order by Steve Cackley leading 88b. Leaders: Erik Schwab 530; Eva Striebeck 187; Melissa Kelley 349; Michael Walker 447; Sarah West 436; Cassie Allen 444; Jane Cannon 298; Ben Copenhaver 426b; Lindy Groening 396; Lisa Bennett 269; David Wright 419; Eamonn O'Neill 250; Bethany Towne 453; David Smead 149; Jennie Brown 527; Franzi Schmidt 440; Tom McTighe 442; Stephanie Fida 372. RECESS The class was called back to order by Steve Helwig leading 209. Leaders: Dan Thoma 367; Mary Gowins 336; Jen Rymut 309; Mark Godfrey 406; Evelyn Lamb and Chris Wooton 195; Sharon Kermiet 189; Kevin Barrans, Delia Barrans and Aidan Barrans 101b; Linda Selph 172; Solomon Ossa 546; Carolyn Deacy 215; Thom Fahrbach 460; John Berendzen 100; Mary Taylor 454; Gabriel Kyne 411; Arcana Ferschke 210; Sarah West 568; Jane Cannon 500; Franzi Schmidt 432; Cassie Allen 316; Eva Striebeck and Won Chung 506; Kevin Beirne 344; Becca Gibson 268; Michael Walker 170. The business session was reopened. The Treasurer reported the day's expenses were met, and the Registration and Arranging committee reported at total of 116 registered attendees, 97 songs sung, led by 84 leaders. Steve Helwig led 36b as the closing song. John Berendzen offered the closing prayer and class was dismissed. Chairperson--Steve Helwig; Secretary--Betsy Jeronen