some Portland Sacred Harp Recordings  
to download, right click on links (cmd-click for mac). they are extremely large files.
    listen to some of these on SoundCloud (more coming soon)

2015 Double All-Day Singing, at The Little Church, Portland, OR  
    recorded by Adam Berey and J Berendzen

May 2 - 1991 Revision  (minutes)
    Session 1   Session 2   Session 3   Session 4   Session 5   Composium  (minutes)
May 3 - The Christian Harmony  (minutes)
    Session 1   Session 2   Session 3   Session 5 

2014 Double All-Day Singing, at The Little Church, Portland, OR

May 3 - 1991 Revision
    Pt 1 Intro   Pt 2   Pt 3   Pt 4   Pt 5   Pt 6   Pt 7 Closing  

Composium:  Ben Copenhaver: Ivy - Dan Thoma: Covenant - David Wright: When I Die I'll Live Again - Ethan Hardy: Metcalf - Evan Palmer: Brumel - Fynn Titford-Mock: Elsworthy Road - John Berendzen: Only One Life - Kevin Barrans: Departure - Kevin Barrans: Disturbance - Steve Helwig: Buckley - Steve Helwig: Warsaw

May 4 - The Christian Harmony
    Pt 1 - Jane Cannon and Everyone Who Ever Lived in Ashville: 208b French Broad  
    Pt 2   Pt3   Pt 4   Pt  5

2013 Cape Meares
- one huge zip file